

How much should I pay for Kaffarah?

Breaking a fast in Ramadan intentionally requires a person to either fast 60 consecutive days or feed 60 people. The estimated cost to feed 1 person in Ramadan is $5.

The total Kaffarah amount to be paid for one day of fasting broken or missed without a valid reason is a minimum of $300 ($5 x 60 people).

As for the Kaffarah for breaking an oath, a person is required to either fast for three consecutive days or feed 10 people which equates to the amount of $50 ($5 x 10 people).


What is the difference between Fidya and Kaffarah?

Fidya is the compensation for days of fasting that one has missed and could not fulfill due to a valid Islamic excuse without any possibility of making it up.

Kaffarah, on the other hand, concerns compensation for oaths that were intentionally broken and or fasts intentionally broken during Ramadan. The amount of compensation paid for each of these broken oaths differs.


To learn more about Fidyah click here.


Is Kaffarah compulsory?

Kaffarah is compulsory on the person who has broken an oath or has intentionally broken their fast during Ramadan. These actions require a person to pay a Kaffarah to compensate for a sinful act, (without valid reasons like having a health condition, being sick or being a traveler).


How to calculate your Kaffarah?

Breaking a fast in Ramadan intentionally requires a person to either fast 60 consecutive days or feed 60 people. The estimated cost to feed 1 person in Ramadan is $5.

The total Kaffarah amount to be paid for one day of fasting broken or missed without a valid reason is a minimum of $300 ($5 x 60 people).

As for the Kaffarah for breaking an oath, a person is required to either fast for three consecutive days or feed 10 people which equates to the amount of $50 ($5 x 10 people).



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