Sadaqa Welfare Fund is an Australian based Charity organisation that began in Sydney in 2013.
Education is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and unlocking a brighter future. Millions of children and adults around the world lack access to basic schooling and skills training. Your contribution opens doors to a lifetime of learning, growth, and empowerment.
When you donate to provide education, you’re not just giving a child the chance to go to school—you’re investing in their future. Education is the key to breaking cycles of poverty, empowering individuals, and building stronger communities. Your generosity will directly impact the lives of children who dream of learning and achieving their goals.
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NAME: Sadaqa Welfare Fund
BANK: Suncorp
BSB: 484799
Account: 561912623
Swift Code: METWAU4B
(For International Transfers)
Ref: Donor's Full Name
Have questions or want to learn more about our initiatives? Our dedicated team is here to assist you.
Name: Sadaqa Welfare Fund
BANK: Suncorp
BSB: 484799
Account: 561912704
Swift Code: METWAU4B
(For International Transfers)
Ref: Donor's Full Name
© 2025 - Sadaqa
Fund, All Rights
Reserved. Terms & Conditions | Privacy
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible under subdivision 30 BA of income tax assessment act 1997
Charity Number: 23915
ABN: 87 931 078 265