

The attacks on Palestine has martyred 50,000+ Muslims and over 150,000+ have been left wounded. Our local teams inside Gaza are distributing aid daily throughout the Gaza Strip. Due to the difficulties surrounding the Rafah Border we are currently purchasing relief items within Gaza and distributing various items to the areas needed. Our teams are distributing Vegetable Packs, Bread, Food Packs & clean water to the Palestinians seeking refuge within the camps. Our teams are also distributing flour all over Gaza, specifically to the NORTH OF GAZA where families are witnessing a famine due to lack of access to essential food supplies. Be a part of this critical appeal and donate now for our Palestinian brothers and sisters in need.

Your Donations in Action

Every contribution brings us closer to a brighter future for Palestine. Join us in this crucial mission and stand with the people of Palestine during their time of crisis.

Palestine Gaza Appeal

Palestine Gaza Appeal

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